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Research - Predictors of Successful Ageing

31 August 2024

Participants Needed - Ongoing Research until September

Catherine Slattery, a 4th Year Psychology Honours degree student at Charles Sturt University invites you to support a research project entitled Predictors of Successful Ageing in Older Adults Living in Urban vs. Rural Regions of Australia: A Community Based Study.
This project will examine successful ageing pathways in Australian older adults from urban and rural populations.
Further information can be found on the Participant Information Sheet through the link below and research findings can be shared with participants upon request.

We are currently inviting volunteers who:

Participation involves completing a 15-20 minute anonymous survey.
The survey can be completed online or in paper format.
Complete the survey

To complete a paper copy, contact Cathy and provide your postal address. You will then receive the survey at your postal address, along with a reply-paid envelope to our office address for your convenience. Please do not label the survey or envelope with any personal details.
Your address will be kept confidential, password protected, and erased permanently once the study is completed.

For further information, or if you would like a copy of the final report with research findings, contact Cathy Slattery at
or by phone on <b>0418 912 893<b>.

Ethics approval protocol number: H23464

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