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Member Login

To log in you need your membership number and a password. (Note: Your email address is not your password).

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If your email address has changed or the old address is no longer available, please contact the to advise your new email address before you attempt to obtain a password.

If you make five failed login attempts within one hour you will be prevented from making further attempts for the next hour. Remember that your password is case sensitive.


Important for Courses information when you have logged in, click on the Courses tab. Here you can view a list of all available courses at List of Courses or search for particular courses using the Find a Course search function.

Also, you can read our Newsletters & eBulletins, check what Activities & Events are on offer, and maintain your personal details (email & postal addresses, phone number and password).

If you have any problems contact the Membership Secretary at

We welcome your comments and feedback via the U3A ACT Facebook site.