About us
U3A Canberra is part of a worldwide movement. There are about 300 U3As in Australia, 69 across New South Wales (NSW) and one in the ACT. Nationally there are over 100,000 members.
Our Principles

- To use the skills and abilities of members to create affordable learning, activity, and social connection opportunities.
- Membership is open to all 50+ (being in their Third Age).
- Members share their knowledge, skills and time on a voluntary basis.
- Learning activities are for enjoyment, and/or interest, not for qualifications or awards.
- Activities take place in a friendly, supportive and inclusive environment that fosters the well-being of all participants.
- Members promote the value of lifelong learning and the positive social and mental benefits of participating in our activities.
- To be, at all times, non-political and non-sectarian in our approach.
Our Members
U3A Canberra (formally U3A-ACT) was established in 1986 from an initial public meeting of 100 people. We now have over 4000 members and we continue to grow. The ACT has a single U3A. It includes members living in Queanbeyan, Yass and surrounds.
Our members are all volunteers, and our courses are developed and delivered using the skills and abilities of the members themselves. We are an organisation of volunteers, run by volunteers and we welcome your interest in any of our activities.
Our Courses
We run more than 200 courses across many different disciplines and topics from hands-on courses such as photography, learning to play a musical instrument, social outings, activity courses including travel, dance, yoga, or learning lawn bowls, through to more formal courses and discussion groups. No prior educational qualifications are required and no degrees are awarded.
The range and number of our courses are entirely dependent on the availability of volunteer course leaders. We encourage members to give courses on subjects which they feel competent to lead.
While most courses follow the dates of the four ACT public school terms, it is up to individual course presenters to decide if their courses have a break over the school holidays. Many courses run for periods of as little as one to two months. Activities takes place mostly on week days, and at a range of venues around Canberra.
To enrol in a course or to get more details, join U3A today.
Partnership with University of Canberra

U3A Canberra has a Memorandum of Understanding with the University of Canberra (UC). This allows financial members of U3A Canberra to audit units at the University of Canberra's Bruce campus.
Auditing is defined as listening. Our members have audited a variety of units and have found the experience rewarding, reporting the units to have been of high quality and great interest.