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11 March 2020

U3A monitoring the situation daily

U3A members may want to keep themselves informed about government health advice on the coronavirus. This advice is available here.

Advice on what to do if you have been travelling overseas or have visitors from overseas can be found here.

At the time I write this, there is no specific action that U3A needs to take in response to the coronavirus.

However, all members need to be mindful of the safety and wellbeing of others. They need to follow the government's health advice relating to coronavirus, and more generally, as we move into autumn and winter, members who have a cold, cough or the flu, need to stay away from U3A activities until they no longer have symptoms.

We are monitoring the coronavirus situation daily.

Please note that if there is a change in the government's health advice, we may need to suspend U3A face-to-face activities at very short notice.

We will do this by publishing in the eBulletin and putting information on our website.

Stay well and stay safe!

Bob Nield

We welcome your comments and feedback via the U3A ACT Facebook site.